BLENDED FAMILY IN QUARANTINE? Here are 34 Things to do!

March 27, 2020

I’m at home wishing you all are doing well during this time. On top of health, I also wish not only blended families but all families peace and harmony. God only knows this being at home 24/7 can give us all a little cabin fever! Here are 34 things to do for adults and/or kids together or separately!

1. Make breakfast!
2. Form or break a habit!
3. Take a walk!
4. Pinterest work outs!
5. Go for a jog or run!
6. Bike ride!
7. Go for a hike!
8. Shower and get ready for the day!
9. Home school kids! (Resources-Scholastic, ABC Mouse, Kahn Academy)
10. Flash cards!
11. Draw!
12. Paint!
13. Make lunch!
14. Have Me-time if that’s possible-read a book or magazine!
15. Creative time- Restain that bench that has warped wood from the sun!
16. Look up a new recipe!
17. Watch a movie!
18. Take a nap!
19. Limited X-Box time
20. practice an instrument
21. Watch a YouTube tutorial/educational screen time!
22. Learn a new language!
23. Start a blog!
24. House chores- pick up pet poop, pull weeds, wash floors, vacuum
25. Organize and donate old items you’re not using…read more on that here
26. Start a garden!
27. Give the family dog a bath!
28. Give yourself a facial and/or hair treatment, I love this site for some hair mask ideas
30. Make dinner!
31. Family car ride!
32.Create a family music playlist where each of you suggests 4 or 5 songs and respect each other’s song choice!
33. Play board games-Monopoly, Connect 4, Balderdash
34. Play cards!

If anything, I hope this quarantine brings you and your family closer! If you have any ideas for me please email me at

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