February 5, 2023

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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and it’s time for you and your beau to spend some quality time together and forget about all the worries and stress life brings! If you don’t get date nights often, this upcoming holiday is especially important for you both! Also, if you don’t get date nights often you should definitely read this post to make sure you keep the love alive! #RELATIONSHIPGOALS

So if you have children together, get a babysitter, but what if you have your partner’s children or your stepchildren? Instead of getting bent out of shape about it- YOU GOT THIS!

Obviously, you don’t want your partner missing out on valuable time with them seeing as you more than likely have shared custody nor should you want to miss out on time with them. What do I mean by this? If your husband or partner has shared custody, I would NOT  recommend a babysitter during your time. Like I have mentioned in previous articles, your time is already cut short so make sure you get that quality time in with the kiddos. Some step moms might be like……NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I promise you, ok well I don’t promise but I am 85% sure your actions will pay off in the long run. You two can always pick another night where you celebrate just you two.


Back to what to do when you have your step kids or future step kids. I’ve compiled a list of 6 ideas that your whole family will appreciate and remember for years to come!

1)  Staycation- I live in Vegas so I am lucky! The possibilities are endless in the city that never sleeps. You can get great deals at the Excalibur and watch the Tournament of Kings show. You can stay at the Bellagio (if you got it like that) and take the family for an evening stroll and watch that water fountain thingamajiggy show. My personal favorite is staying at The Mirage. I love the way it smells and it also has the Lion and Dolphin Habitat. Depending where you live, there is something for you even if it is a Holiday Inn, a cabin, glamping, or even just setting up a tent in a non-threatening area (don’t get attacked by a wild animal).

2) Movie Night- Movies are just wonderful, aren’t they? Buying snacks in the theater—–PRICEY! Still, watching a movie on the big screen-always a good experience! For my blended family, we love hopping in our pick up and making the bed of the truck one huge cloud of comfiness and watching a movie under the stars !!!  If you don’t have a truck, no worries, stay warm and cozy in the car! Don’t forget to pack up the kids’ favorite yummy treats that won’t cost an arm and a leg (like at the movie theater). Try to memorize your stepchild’s favorite treats and if you don’t know-ask your partner, do not assume that they like what you like or what your kids like!

3)  Bake together-This can be cookies shaped like hearts or brownies with pink and red frosting! Nothing brings people closer than baking yummy goodies!

4)  Art Projects- I am not the most creative but I know there are tons of ideas on Pinterest and all over the internet! My man and kids (bio and step) love watching YouTube tutorials on drawing! This channel is their GO-TO!

5) Love Notes- Personally, I love the cards you can buy from the store for classmates. There are so many different characters to choose from such as Marvel, Scooby-Doo, Poke-Mon, etc. If the kids are older, obviously a more age appropriate card or hand-written note would be perfect! Take the time to express your love or appreciation for one another. Remember if your step daughter or step son does not reciprocate, give it time and be consistent. One day it will pay off!

6) V-day Baskets-Give each other cute little Valentine’s Day baskets (just like Easter baskets). I like the $1 store and of course everyone’s favorite store-T-A-R-G-E-T! Throw some gift cards and candy in there and BOOM!

Hopefully these ideas help show everyone how much you love them. If your step children are still kind of resistant, respect boundaries but continue with kindness and consistency and it will eventually pay off (again, hopefully)!

Here’s to Chocolate Bunny Dreams and Heart Shaped Kisses….Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Have any ideas you’d like to share with me? Email me at or follow me on Facebook or Instagram!

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