April 6, 2020

First off, I hope this article finds you and your family healthy and financially stable-ish. Now, let’s talk about what we can do to get through this unprecedented and unimaginable time.
Although considered crucial to our health and government mandated, being stuck in a home together 24/7 can even drive Susie Creamcheese a little insane! Throw in a pinch of blended family seasoning and things can go from bad to worse faster than binge watching all 3 seasons of Ozark!
But what do we do if we struggled with blended family life previous to this added madness? I read somewhere that this COVID will increase not only birth rates but will also increase divorce rates. Don’t let this be you! How can we get through this time with the best possible outcome?
Here are 5 strategies that will hopefully be your saving grace!
Strategy #1
Stay busy!
If you need to keep a schedule (even just for you) do it!!! This could include: taking a bath or long shower, home projects, chores, reading a book (alone or having bio/step kids read to you), watch movies, bake together, and cook meals. For more ideas, click on https://savvymamablog.com/blended-family-in-quarantine-here-are-34-things-to-do/
Strategy #2
Meditating helps be in the here and now. There are so many meditating apps if you are a beginner. I personally enjoy Insight Timer!
A brief workout can also do wonders, this helps get those “feel good” endorphins going while also relieving any bottled up stress or aggravation. Meditating and exercising will do both a mind and body good!
Strategy #3
Focus on the positive and try not to focus on the negative.
This could be with your partner, your bio and/or step kids. Being in one place all day can bring out the worst in some. Pease focus on the positives! Remember your perception is your reality!
Strategy #4
This applies to everyone but especially men! My fiancé tells me that for much of his life communication wasn’t really his thing. He admits he’s a bit passive aggressive but now that he is a tad bit better at communicating, it helps him not to have an “out of nowhere” verbal explosion. Less explosions=Less apologies so everyone is happy! He tells me he has always admired one’s ability to say how they feel and it’s one of the things that has brought us closer because I might communicate a little too much! I grew up in an Italian New Yorker home which let’s be honest…they get EVERYTHING off their chest immediately! I guess communication is in my DNA. Also, I think love and appreciation fall under this category! If you’re lucky, the people you’re quarantined with are the center of your universe so let them know. People need to know they’re loved and appreciated, especially during stressful times.
Strategy #5
Alone time!
Since my blog is targeted towards blended families, you more than likely have children so work this one out with your partner. Alone time is very important! If this means sun bathing with a good book for an hour or even a walk alone around the neighborhood, I feel this can help give us that “reset” we often need when surrounded with so much responsibility and family members!
Wishing these strategies help you and your family thrive during this quarantine! Stay sane, safe and healthy!
If you have any suggestions for me mamas, email me at mamabear@savvymamablog.com

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