June 16, 2020


The other day I was in the garage with my toddler and he wanted to bring his bicycle inside (no problem). I picked it up over my head and he asked me if it was heavy and I said, “No Mama is strong.” That’s when he replied with “You’re not strong you’re a gril.” That’s not a typo. He calls “girls” “grils.” Adorable right? Well actually in this instance it wasn’t.  I was in shock, it felt like a direct punch to the gut, I was angry, and all I could do was question,“Where the heck did he get that from?!” His dad would never say that or even imply that (he knows better). But just to cross that off my list I asked him about it anyway. 

He was more mortified than I was, he knows how offensive that is to me! I pride myself on being a  strong independent woman both physically and mentally. When we met, he told me these were the qualities that attracted him most. 

For more on our love story,  visit https://laundryismylife.com/how-to-find-true-love-by-being-the-strongest-youve-ever-been/

All I could think was “What in the heck?!” I stepped back, took a couple cleansing breaths and thought maybe he just gathered this on his own. This might sound crazy for a 3 year old. I mean after all, he sees his father (who may have a slight resemblance to Mr. Incredible-at least in body type) and assumes that’s what strength must look like. Little does he know who wears the pants but he will find out soon enough.

He loves watching superheroes, specifically The Hulk, Captain America, and SpiderMan. He sees his dad who really is a big and strong guy and then sees me who often asks for his help. It could possibly just be that he views his father as the big strong man he is, and me, his mother, as this weaker species.  

I do hope that when my son’s brain is fully developed that he will know his mom is a very strong GRIL! Until then I have decided to do my part in helping to ensure he will figure out the truth in time.


So here are my 3 steps to help our children (boys and girls) see their moms as a symbol of strength! 

#1 Pay attention!

Pay attention to what kids are watching, how they are behaving, and who they are hanging out with. Monitor everything if possible, be firm and consistent on what content your little one is absorbing. Our kids are parrots and will mimic everything they hear. Just be mindful, I know I will be from this day forward! I do understand this does get more difficult as they get older but we can still do our best!

#2 Superheroes can be women too!

When you are reading or watching superheroes maybe lean towards the movies and/or books that have both males and females. There are plenty of Marvel female characters as well as incredible women throughout history to read and watch about!

#3 Don’t rely on a man!

To me, this is the most important one. Trust me, I get it. Sometimes we have to rely on our husbands or dads or even the neighbor. I actually enjoy building stuff or fixing things for my son but I will admit. Sometimes I’m lazy. My son would ask me to change batteries on a toy and I would tell him we should wait for dad. When I reflect, I realize these little actions are like small deposits in the bank, they will add up.  Ladies, let’s make sure we show our sons we can do things for them and with them such as change batteries, change lightbulbs, assemble their toolbench, go on bike rides, workouts, etc. 


There are also plenty of ways of showing your kids that you are strong without winning a power-lifting competition or rebuilding a transmission. I want my son to know I have worked hard in and out of our home. I want him to know I will do anything for him. Like many of you, I haven’t slept in years. I have laid in bed as still as I can with a full bladder questioning if I’m  the one who needs a diaper or not! I will stay still for hours while my stomach growls just so my baby boy can get more sleep.

Why? Because he can sense if I’m not next to him. Some might say I have created a bad habit, but I absolutely cherish our nights and mornings together!  I will do what I have to, to always make sure my child is healthy and getting all he needs. 

So maybe I won’t enter the Octagon this year and win a UFC fight or set a bench press record at the NFL combine,but I will go to the ends of the earth for my kids. One day they will know and if they don’t…guess what? That’s ok because I will! And that, to me, is the epitome of strength.

If you have any stories that you want to share with me please email or comment! To moms of boys AND girls, let’s show our kids that mamas are superheroes too!

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