September 20, 2020

  1. Discuss and build household rules together!
  2. Make sure you and your partner are a true team!
  3. Understand that blended families take a lot of time, patience, and understanding!
  4. Have an open heart for the step kids (they have been and are probably still going through a lot of inner turmoil)
  5. Put yourself in your partner’s shoes (this goes for both sides).
  6. Spend time together doing activities such as hikes, coloring, watching movies, cooking together, etc)
  7. Say kind words and have your actions match!
  8. Never badmouth the bio parent!
  9. Don’t allow disrespect no matter what (if this can be done gently then perfecto)!
  10. Love unconditionally and consistently because when kids look back, they WILL get it!
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